Richardson, Texas - 82 degrees and cloudy
Miles from Vernon, Texas to Richardson, Texas...197 miles
(click on pictures to enlarge)
We left Vernon, Texas this morning around 8:45am in fog and drizzle. Last night it rained all night and the wind blew...I got up to look outside and the rain was coming down sideways it was blowing so hard...the sound reminded me of a snow storm with winds. When I walked across the wet grass this morning it felt like I was walking on a could hear squish, squish, squish.
We stopped for gas in Vernon, Texas...paid $3.599 for premium gas and I averaged 26mpg from Vernon to Richardson...course I was only driving between 60-65mph.
This is a picture outside the Holiday Inn Express in Vernon, Texas. The soil is clay-like...really sticks to the sides of your tires...puddles everywhere...cloudy.
These are the pretty flowers outside of the hotel. Although, up close, they looked like they may have been nipped a bit by an early frost....still cloudy.
On our way to Richardson, Texas. Notice the fog/haze in the distance...still cloudy.
Drilling for oil and it was working...still cloudy.
We arrived, and went through, Wichita Falls, Texas around noon today....still cloudy.
Waiting for our exit to Dallas...we had to switch to highway 380 in Wichita Falls. Not much traffic at this time of day...still cloudy.
A little rest area in Texas...still cloudy.
Just a shopping area past Wichita Falls, Texas...still cloudy.
I liked the big Texan...still cloudy.
Every State should have an Adult Video store along side the road...still cloudy.
Nice Hummer...and thirsty Hummer...still cloudy.
We stopped for gas at this little roadside convenience store. On my way to the potty I saw this bird in a cage...bottom of the cage was I only took a picture of the top half of the cage...still cloudy.
I finally got some of that really cheap gas...still cloudy.
This empty (I assume) trailer was sitting along side the road...Red Wing Shoes...still cloudy.
A lot of trucks and most of them have a 4-wheeler behind the truck. Most of the trucks are coated with the red clay...still cloudy.
Getting closer to Dallas, Texas...still cloudy.
Passed through Decatur, Texas...SUNNY, HOT, HUMID...for about ten miles...then...cloudy.
Outside of Dallas...we stopped for lunch...I saw this Crepe Myrtle tree with pink flowers...still cloudy and HOT and HUMID.
Gas prices outside of Dallas...partly cloudy and HOT and HUMID!
On our way to Richardson, Texas I saw this Lexus...nice car...chick driving it...still cloudy and HOT and HUMID.
We arrived at Inez and Bill's residence around 1:30pm. Very nice place. I believe the temperature is in the 80's...cloudy and HOT and HUMID!
We will be staying here today and Wednesday. Leaving around 7:00am, or a bit earlier, Thursday morning headed for Liberty, Missouri...about 510 miles...long day on Thursday.
I did not get any pictures on the George W. Bush Turnpike because of traffic..thought I should drive. I may be getting a letter from the State of Texas...when I went to get on the GWB toll-way I went in the wrong lane...I went in the lane for people who have passes...I was there so I went through without paying...someone said they will take a picture of my plate and send me a bill/ticket...for a $1.00? But, but Officer...I am from "cow country" Wisconsin and it was too late for me to move into the correct lane...but, but, but...boy!...there sure are a lot of people driving around!
I am not sure what is on our agenda for Wednesday...I will update tomorrow sometime.
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