Vernon, Texas - 57 degrees and rain
Miles from Santa Rosa, New Mexico to Vernon, Texas...347 miles
Drove through the following States...New Mexico and part of Texas
(click on pictures to enlarge)
We left Santa Rosa, New Mexico around 8:30am. The temperature was 51 degrees and very windy. We did lose another hour today...we are on central time now... but since we were only going 347 miles we could afford to leave a little bit later.
Even though we had wind and rain, I still averaged 25mpg...I drove between 65mph and 70mph most of the day.
This was taken around 8:45am in Santa Rosa, New Mexico.
Some of the landscape near the New Mexico/Texas border.
I got a bit bored so I decided to take pictures of cars, trucks, and whatever.
Finally, Texas State Line.
"Proud home of President George W. Bush"...????
A litttle ditty....
Subject - 4 extra tickets...I have 4 extra tickets for the Robbie Knievel (son of Evil Knievel)
event at the Kentucky Fair and Expo Center this weekend
if anybody wants them.
He's going to try to jump 5000 Obama supporters with a bulldozer.
Let me know.
Passed this guy twice...
Went through Amarillo around noon today...nice town.
Still on our way to Vernon, Texas.
We took Hwy 287 to Vernon and went through all these dinky liitle towns...this is where we ate lunch...should have ate in Amarillo.
Some little town on the way to Vernon.
The cab was from Wausau, Wisconsin.
Cheap gas! Of course, I had a full tank.
Vernon, Texas city limits.
We arrived in Vernon, Texas around 4:00pm...we really just took our time today...we are staying at the Holiday Inn Express in Vernon, Texas. They have some pretty flowers in the front of the hotel...I will try and get a picture of them before we leave tomorrow.
Our plans are to leave tomorrow morning around 9:30am for Richardson, Texas...197 miles. I want to go around Dallas between 1:00pm-2:00pm...hopefully traffic will be a little bit lighter.
I am not sure if I will have internet access in Richardson, if I do, I will post. If I don't, then I will post on Thursday evening from Liberty, Missouri. We will be staying in Richardson Tuesday, Wednesday, and leaving on Thursday for Liberty, Missouri.
Thursday will be another long day...500+ miles to Liberty, Missouri and I am not sure what time we are leaving...I want to avoid rush I either need to leave by 6:00am to avoid some of the traffic or leave after 9:00am after rush hour...probably leave really early.
We are hoping for an improvement in the weather.
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