Emporia, Kansas - 63 degrees and sunny
Miles from Richardson, Texas to Emporia, Kansas...445 miles
Drove through the following States...Texas, Oklahoma, and part of Kansas
(click on picture to enlarge)
We left Richardson, Texas around 9:00am. The temperature was 61 degrees and it was cloudy. I had no problem driving on the George W. Bush freeway. Inez and Bill's residence is easy access to GWB freeway and easy to connect with I-35.
I averaged 24mph...not as good of gas mileage today...I attribute the low mileage to those red lava rocks I have in my car (hee, hee)...it couldn't be that I was driving 72 mph all day. I am on my way up to Wisconsin...I had to stop three times yesterday to clean the bugs off my windshield.
We had a very enjoyable visit with Inez and Bill. They have a very nice apartment at El Dorado. This is a picture of Bill, Felix, and Inez. Felix is the manger of El Dorado. Very nice person...he reminds me of my mother's friend Guerdon. Felix did mention that there are quite a few casinos on I-35 (I think my mother didn't hear him). Thank you Inez and Bill for such a great visit!
The toll-way...I know what I did wrong on Tuesday...I saw the sign that said..."through traffic" and"assumed" it meant traffic going straight without exiting...when I looked at it closer I see it really said..."toll pass - through traffic"...I wonder how long it will be until I get my letter from the State of Texas. Anyways, I was in the correct lane this morning.
Sign for Dallas.
Not sure what was going on here...when we passed by they were in the process of opening the back of the truck trailer. There were at least four police cars and an officer on each side of the truck driver.
The Oklahoma Police were busy!
On our way around Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
CASINO! No...we did NOT stop...we are waiting for Diamond Jo's in Northwood, Iowa.
Different landscape than what we have seen the last week.
Another CASINO! No...we did NOT stop.
I like the Oklahoma license plates.
Ate lunch at my favorite place. I always thought they all looked alike...but guess not. Although, they seem to ALL taste alike.
Granny had to have her ice cream cone...ok...I had one also. Really, really good ice cream.
Yup! I am on the right road...thanks to my GPS!
Following the signs.
Anyone need a job.
We drove by the Giant Cross in Emond, Oklahoma...visible from the interstate, there's a colossal cross on the property of the "LifeChurch" Edmond campus. LifeChurch is a sort of franchised Christian community, with multiple church locations sharing high-tech video via satellites. This religious monument isn't as big as the ones in Groom, Texas or Effingham, Illinois. Web address...http://www.roadsideamerica.com/tip/14373
Gas has been so cheap compared to when we left home.
We stopped for gas and saw this big yucca plant...and...it is still warm enough to be blooming.
Can't believe premium gas is so cheap!
I saw more police today...I drove 70mph...the speed limit.
We took the toll-way to Emporia...cost was $5.25.
Guess I wasn't going fast enough.
We saw this UPS truck...three trailers...that last trailer was swaying because of the wind.
This is where they store sand and salt. There are three of these buildings between Wichita and Emporia.
I bet they stopped for a potty break.
The Flint Hills is an area of east-central Kansas with a unique character. It is a high, wide, gently rolling landscape blanketed with the largest continuous area of tall prairie grass left in the world. Web address...http://www.naturalkansas.org/FlintHills.htm
On our way to Emporia, Kansas.
We arrived in Emporia around 5:00pm and are staying at the Holiday Inn Express.
I filled my car with premium gas...$2.81.
We were going to eat dinner at the Village Inn...but since there wasn't a car in the parking lot we decided to go to Applebee's...not much better.
The Applebee's was right across the street from the Village Inn.
Some dried up pampas grass across from the Hotel.
We will be leaving tomorrow at 7:00am for Northwood, Iowa...around 445 miles....Diamond Jo's...Diamond Jo's.
1 comment:
Based on your overall post, I'll bet you'd have liked the Village Inn better... ;-)
We've made the Richardson to Emporia drive about 30 times in last a five years - grandson born there... they moved to Austin, last year, now a 10 your drive... ;-)
Positive mention of the Kansas Flint Hills always gets my attention.
Hope your readers will stop by for a visit; a truly distinctive place!
Dr. Bill ;-)
Personal Blog: http://flinthillsofkansas.blogspot.com/
Our 22 county Flint Hills Tourism Coalition, Inc. promotes experiential tourism visits to the Kansas Flint Hills – the website is: http://www.kansasflinthills.travel/
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