Northwood, Iowa - 49 degrees, cloudy and rainy
Miles from Emporia, Kansas to Northwood, Iowa...441 miles
Drove through the following States...Kansas, Missouri, and part of Iowa
We left Emporia, Kansas this morinng at 7:15am. It was 41 degrees and partly cloudy.
I saw this sign in Kansas and was wishing I really was on my way to Santa Fe, New Mexico!
We are about to go around Kansas City. It was cloudy and rainy most of the morning.
We are now beginning to see some color in the trees. I am sure they are peaked by now.
More signs. It really was that dreary today...I didn't mind the cloudy weather when I am driving.
Liberty, Missouri. We stayed in Liberty two weeks ago today at the beginning of our trip.
I still can't believe gas prices.
When we stopped for gas this van next to us had this lions tail dangling out the back of the van.
Missouri license plate.
My last McDonald's chocolate chip cookies until next bag is for me and the other is for my mother.
Taking I-35 NORTH!
Entering Iowa.
This is the Visitor's Center in Iowa. It was pretty chilly so we didn't spend much time outside.
This mosaic design was on the floor as you entered the building.
The view from the outside of the Visitor's Center. Much different than New Mexico.
As we were leaving we saw this sign...good thing I only drink bottled water.
Saw the Amish in Oscolea, Iowa. They were selling their home made baskets.
I paid $2.69 for premium gas in Osceola, Iowa.
Terrible's did NOT stop.
John Wayne was born in Iowa.
Remember the movie...
Some Iowa color.
Really nice LandRover.
Iowa State Police.
I met up with this vehicle before we went through Des Moines, Iowa...towing a newer large truck behind his motor home. He was going about 75mph. When I saw the Minnesota plates I got behind him and followed him through Des Moines. I had to keep up with him. He was on a mission...nice rig!
An advertising sign of where we will be staying tonight.
We are staying at the Country Inn and Suites in Northwood, Iowa.
Which is connected to the Diamond Jo's Casino.
We did gamble for about a half hour before dinner...had a buffet seafood dinner and are about ready for bed. Long rained a lot of the day and was cloudy and cold all day. I averaged about 25mph for gas...not bad.
We are leaving at 8:00am tomorrow for Blaine, Minnesota...will see Julie and then leave for home. Will be good to sleep in my own bed tomorrow night. We had a great trip and I am looking forward to the 2009 Balloon Fiesta and Santa Fe next October!
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