Memories...old and new!...

Chisago Lakes Triathlon

July 26 and 27, 2008

(Double click on pictures to enlarge them.)

Mother and daughter participated in the 2008 Chisago Lakes Triathlon. This was Jennifer and Megan's first Triathlon. Congratulations to Jennifer and Megan!!!

Meggie's Triathlon was Saturday morning. The distance for Meggie was 50 feet swim, 1/2 mile bike ride, and 1/8 mile run. Times have not been posted yet so I am not sure what her finishing time was...but she finished!

Meggie's running pose...

Meggie showing her numbers on her arm...

Meggie receiving her medal...

Relaxing after her race...great job Meggie!

Jennifer's Triathlon was on Sunday. The distance for Jennifer was 1/4 mile swim, 17 mile bike, 3.1 mile run. Times have not been posted on line...I am sure Jennifer knows her time. Jennifer has been practicing for months. She is entered in another Triathlon in September.

Jennifer before the Triathlon with her bike...

The finish line is near...great job Jennifer!

Jennifer with her friend Megan who was also entered in the Triathlon.

Matthew's "Friends" Birthday Party

July 21, 2008

(Double click on photo to enlarge)

Matthew will be five years old on August 8....he had a party with his friends on July 21. Mom and Dad rented a huge Spiderman bouncer for the day.

Megan and Matthew had to have their picture taken first before they could begin bouncing.

And the bouncing began...

Matthew invited four of his friends to his Spiderman party (Matthew is in the red Spiderman shirt on the right).

Spiderman getting ready to shoot his webs.

Matthew and his friend Tyler take a time out from the bouncer.

July in the Cities

July 9-11, 2008

(Double click on pictures to enlarge them.)

I went up to the Cities to spend time with my children. Jennifer has become quite the gardener. Her flowers are big and beautiful! She and Chris have landscaped all around their house with flowers and bushes. This is a picture of their front yard.

Matthew has learned to ride his bike and what a good bike rider he is!

I stayed with Julie for a few days. Julie also has flowers around her townhome...very pretty!

Megan also stayed at Julie's for a day. She held Vanessa...Vanessa is thrilled to have Megan stay.

We went to the park...
Megan played Julie's guitar...Megan proves a right-handed person can play a left-handed guitar???

We went to Olive Garden for dinner. Megan enjoyed her spaghetti and Aunt Julie enjoyed watching Megan eat her spaghetti.

We went to spend some time in North Branch at the Mall but with the nasty sky we went back to the Schneider's for the day.

I saw Darth Vader!

Chris fixed a great dinner and we played Scrabble.