Cottonwood, Arizona
88 degrees...HOT and SUNNY!
Miles from Williams Arizona...97 miles
Premium gas $3.89...average 24mpg
(click on picture to enlarge)
After eating our buffet breakfast at Max and Thelma's we left Williams, Arizona around 8am this morning headed for Sedona, Arizona. But, before we left Williams we stopped at my favorite place for some famous McDonalds chocolate cookies. The McDonalds in the Southwest States have "fresh" baked cookies...three in a package for $1.00. I, of course, eat the chocolate chip and my mother enjoys the oat meal raisin. Great with a soda or, as my mother prefers, senior coffee.
The huge trees along the road and in the hills are Ponderosa Pines. They are hundreds of years old. This is the country side between Williams and Flagstaff.
You can see our exit to we go.
We took highway 87A or the mother hates the switchback because you are so close to the edge all the way down...the switchback is 23 miles from top to bottom. I took pictures of us going down the switchback so maybe you can experience some the sharp turns. Yes, I drove and snapped pictures ALL the way down. My mother didn't speak a word all the way down...she told me her hands were sweating.
This was our first is probably about 15 miles down the switchback. Garland's Jewelry...this is a beautiful Indian jewelry store..very high end jewelry and pottery. I wear a lot of Peter Nelson jewelry and I missed him by one day...he was in the store yesterday...I would have loved to meet him. This is Garland's
This wooden carving is in front of Garland's Jewelry.
This sterling silver carving is above the front door.
This sterling silver carving is on the left of the front door.
Continuing our ride down the switchback.
I saw this pampas grass in front of this house and it was the largest I have ever seen.
Our next stop down the switchback was at a Dairy Queen. This is where the vendors are...they use to be on the streets in Sedona but are no longer allowed to sell in Sedona. Some of the jewelry is made by the vendors but mostly purchased in Gallup, New Mexico. Not top of the line jewelry...they are trying to make a living.
Continuing our ride down the switchback.
Finally have arrived at the Sedona city limits...Granny is breathing a little better now...ground is a little bit more level..ha, ha. If you haven't seen Sedona you should add this to your bucket list. It is beautiful city with all the red rock.
Sedona main street.
This is what you see downtown Sedona.
Had to take a picture of the McDonalds. In the Sedona city limits there are no tall signs allowed. When we travel we always look for the golden arches.
After lunch we went to the Kachina House. We were there on our last trip. This really is a warehouse type of store...they have rooms full of kachina dolls...all alike...they do have original pottery and some jewelry. This is their
This wooden kachina was on the roof of the store.
The front of the Kachina House.
We have left the Kachina House and are now going down the main street of Sedona. Sedona is surrounded by rocks, hills, mountains, and dropoffs.
We now are on our way to the Chapel of the Holy Cross outside of Sedona.
We have arrived at the Chapel of the Holy Cross. I am driving up a hill to get to the back of the chapel. This is their
To get to the chapel you walk up this winding is a steep incline. I walked in the middle of the walkway with my head looking down...I couldn't stand to look over either side. It was windy and it felt like the wind could scoop me away. I did manage to take photos on my way up to the chapel...Mom waited in the car and made sure I had the emergency brake on.
When I got to the top I could see this beautiful mansion below that they are working on. They were working on this when were here a year ago. Little different economy in Sedona than in Gallup, New Mexico.
As you walk into the chapel there is this design of a dove on the ground in front of the doors to entrance.
Inside the chapel..they are playing relaxation music, burning insence, and candles are lit. You can sit on the benches for as long as you would like to meditate or pray.
This was outside the chapel doors.
Leavng the chapel and walking down the walkway.
There were little water falls along the walkway.
Leaving Sedona we are on our way to Cottonwood, Arizona. This is some pictures of the landscape. The farther away from Sedona the less red rocks we saw and the landscape is flatter.
We arrived in Cottonwood around 2:30pm today. Cottonwood is only about 25 miles from Sedona.
We are staying at the Best Western-Cottonwood Inn in Cottonwood, Arizona.
After washing some clothes we had some time and decided to drive to the Cliff Castle Casino in Camp Verde. Last year we walked away with some comment. We ate at the Johnny Rockets restaurant, which is inside the is a restaurant based on the 50's. I wanted to take some pictures but decided not to because there were people in the restaurant and I didn't want to cause any problems. They have a children's area where the parents drop off their children to be babysat and the parents can gamble.
Granny on her way in the casino.
Tomorrow we are riding the train (Verde Canyon Railroad). Train leaves at 9am.
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