Memories...old and new!...

Christmas Program and Julie's Birthday

December 19, 2009
(click on photos to enlarge)

December 9, 2009...The Big Storm had to happen...on December 9 we had our first big snow storm...I measured 8 inches of snow in my back yard. The Governor of Wisconsin was kind enough to close all State office buildings and the Universities. MaryEdna...I finally got my "snow day"!

Gov. Doyle Closes State Govt. Offices -12/9/2009
In response to the blizzard that has impacted the state, Governor Jim Doyle has ordered the closure of all state government and University of Wisconsin campuses for public business. The Governor's order directs that state employees are not to report to work, unless their job duties include the provision or support of an emergency response, public health, or public safety function, and their absence would compromise delivery of essential public health, public safety, or emergency response functions that are required to continue despite weather conditions.

My back yard.
(Taken from inside the house.)

My front yard.
(Taken from inside the house.)

Of course...Murphy's snow blower decided this was a snow storm with a lot of snow and it wasn't going to start no matter what I did...or said. So, I did shovel most of the snow...never...never...never again...I kept telling myself what good exercise it was...never...never...never again. After I shoveled, so I could get out of my driveway, I went to Eau Claire Lawn Care and bought a new snow blower. The new snow blower was delivered the next day after the snow plow went down our street after I had shoveled out my driveway. Of that snow storm has passed...AND...I have a new snow blower...there hasn't been any snow since December 9th for me to try out the new snow blower.

Weather forecast for Christmas Eve day and Christmas day...another snow storm...worse than the last one...we shall see. Tuff decision...want a snow storm...don't want a snow storm...want a snow storm...don't want a snow storm.


December 14, 2009...

My supervisor and very, very dear friend, Jill, had the long awaited (by all of us) surgery on December 14. She had a few complications during the went well. Only Jill takes her blankey to the hospital.

Jill waving "HI"!

Jill took walks around the hallways in the hospital
to get a little exercise during the days.

Jill came home on Friday and was back in the hospital on Saturday with a severe bacterial infection. She is recovering...slowly...and not sure when she will be coming home. Get well Jill!


I recently began corresponding with some old friends...Barb and Perry. Barb and I worked together over 35 years ago. I am hoping we can keep in is so nice to catch-up after all these years. We were both pregnant at the same time! Brent and Jennifer's birthdays are months apart.

This is a picture of Brent (left) and
Jennifer (right)...Jennifer was thirteen months old.

I am not sure the date of this picture...both
Jennifer and Brent have much more hair
than the above picture. Brent and
Jennifer are older in this picture.


December 18, 2009...

Matthew's Christmas program was on Friday, I decided to take the day and have lunch at school with each of the children.

Megan has lunch at I just arrived in time
for lunch with Megan...
she ate a baked potato, pretzel, and fruit.

She showed me the ear ring of the day.

Matthew has lunch at 12:45pm so after Megan's class went
out to play I then found Matthew's classroom and
they were getting ready for lunch.

Some of Matthew's artwork.

Matthew had a peanut butter sandwich,
apple, chips, cookies, and milk.

Matthew enjoying his milk.

Matthew's peanut butter sandwich.


Matthew's Christmas Program...

Megan waiting for the program to begin.

Girl talk.

Kindergarten class of 2010
(Matthew has a red arrow above his head)

Santa came to visit the kindergarten children.
(I think Santa went on a diet during the year.)

The children have their sun glasses on for the next song.

A video of the children singing... the children are
trying so hard to keep to the beat of the song.

Matthew is wearing a red sweater...
end of the second row on the right.
(Click on the left arrow at bottom
of photo to play the video.)


December 19, 2009...

Julie is now 32 years old.

A few gifts.

Julie and her Grandma.

Since it was Julie's birthday...
we went to the restaurant of Julie's choice...P.F. Chang's.

Now...I hate Chinese food...but...
this wasn't about bit the bullet...again.

The food was excellent!
I would love to eat at P.F. Chang's again...
maybe next time when I am in the Cities.
Go figure!

This is the side of P.F. Chang's.

Megan waiting for her meal.

Matthew enjoying his meal.

Family photo.


These are some of my favorite
pictures of Julie throughout her younger years.

Julie at 4 months.

Julie at 1 year.

Julie at three years old.

Julie at four years old.

Julie in preschool.

Julie in kindergarten.

Julie in first grade.
Julie in fourth grade.


December 20, 2009...

I was eating breakfast and saw this
hawk fly into my neighbor's apple tree.
The hawk was looking for food.
(enlarge photo to see the hawk)


Christmas is forever, not for just one day,
for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away
like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf.
The good you do for others is good you do yourself.


We are planning on being in the Cities for Christmas. The weather forecast is showing lots and lots of snow beginning Wednesday thru Saturday morning. If the roads are clear...we go...if not...we go another day. Perhaps I will get to try out my new snow blower....yippee(????)...want a snow storm...don't want a snow storm...want a snow storm...don't want a snow storm.
Have a really, really great holiday and enjoy the time with your families.

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