Memories...old and new!...

January 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009
(click on photo to enlarge photo)

Jennifer and Chris were in Puerto Vallarta this past week...80+ degrees...sun, fun, relaxing, and lots of water. I took care of the children on the weekends...Grandma P took care of them during the week...lucky her...being retired.

What can I say...monkey see, monkey do. I was using Jennifer's laptop, in bed, so Meggie decided she would play a bingo game that I downloaded for her. Makes my heart jump up and down to think that someone in my family may have an interest in technology.

The children love to play on the Webkin site.
They register their webkins and then go out on the site and feed them,
change their clothes, put them to bed, etc.

Got Meggie off to school on Friday.

I met Iron Man...

We picked up Mom and Dad at the airport.
Jennifer and Chris came back tan and also came back to very cold weather!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Went to lunch at Grizzly's with some friends. They ate real food and I ate my lettuce salad. I am still on my diet...1,000 calories a far...I have lost 11lbs. 2oz. Almost half way to my goal!

This is the poor gal who had to wait on us....
Gooey...but I am sure it was good.

Paula and MaryEdna enjoying the appetizers.

Sherry enjoying the great conversations and the great food.

Yes, Jill is still dieting!??!
Since she is on "maintenance" she can eat food.

As always, we had a great time!

It is beyond cold up in Wisconsin...coldest temperatures in five years! I keep remembering that spring is around "some" corner. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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