(click on photo to enlarge)
Went to the Cities today to see Matthew's Christmas program at the Sunshine Pre-School in Forest Lake. It was such a cute program and was only 45 minutes long!
Matthew was excited for his program to begin...Matthew is wanting to wear ties lately...and...of course, looks so cute in a tie and so grown up.
Meggie took the afternoon off from first grade to come and see Matthew's program. She has her "create a ripple...stop bullying" t-shirt on from her school.
Grandma and Grandpa P came to see Matthew's program. Nice to see them again!
Meggie waiting for the program to begin. She is really looking and acting like a first grader.
Matthew is walking in with his class. Jennifer helped out in Matthew's class today during the program (Jennifer is on Matthew's left.)
Matthew is in the front row with the blue shirt.
The children were told when they got up on stage they could wave to their parents, brothers, sisters, and grandparents (get it out of their system).
Singing Jingle Bells and ringing their bells. (Matthew is in the front row with the blue shirt.)
Mom, Dad, Megan, and Matthew after the program.
Just a couple of final pictures before I left for home.
We had about three inches of snow on Tuesday evening so I was a bit concerned about the roads. Still very cold...but...the roads were fine once I got on to the Interstate. Bridge decks were a little icy but one has to be careful. Got home around 4pm just in time for my 4:30pm hair appointment!
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