(click on pictures to enlarge)
Update on my mother...she is recovering from her broken pelvis. She is not driving or going out on errands alone. She does still work a little in her gardens but mostly is just taking it easy. We did take a day trip to the Cities for Matthew's birthday and she and Jennifer took a tour of Jennifer's gardens.

Update on Topsy Turvy...the tomatoes are turning red. We are enjoying our tomatoes in our salads each day. We will have way too many tomatoes and will share with the neighbors. It as been fun watching the tomatoes grow.

Update on the loose tooth...we are still waiting.

Meggie took swimming lessons this summer. I went to the Cities on Friday for Meggie's last swimming lesson. It was really fun to watch.

Getting ready for the horse race.
They straddle the noodle between their legs
and go from one side of the pool to the other.
(Meggie is fifth from the right)

Julie and I had dinner with Chris and the children...Jennifer was working. I had a great weekend except for the traffic jams on 35W and I-694! I will be in the Cities, again, in a few weeks to take care of the children while Jennifer is in school and Julie and I are planning on going to the Fair...weather permitting.
Update on my mother...she is recovering from her broken pelvis. She is not driving or going out on errands alone. She does still work a little in her gardens but mostly is just taking it easy. We did take a day trip to the Cities for Matthew's birthday and she and Jennifer took a tour of Jennifer's gardens.
Update on Topsy Turvy...the tomatoes are turning red. We are enjoying our tomatoes in our salads each day. We will have way too many tomatoes and will share with the neighbors. It as been fun watching the tomatoes grow.
Update on the loose tooth...we are still waiting.
August 9, 2009
August 14, 2009

Matthew's fifth birthday
Matthew's sixth birthday

From Jennifer (8/08/09)...Matt went to bed about 10pm last night and was up before 6am this morning. He did stuff all day long and is EXHAUSTED with tears!!!!!!
We went to Grand Slam in Coon Rapids, MN. We had unlimited laser tag (quite fun!), mini golf, and krazy kars. Afterwards, we came home a smashed the homemade piƱata and ate cupcakes. How 6 year olds can miss their mouth with frosting is beyond me.

I can remember when Matthew was born.
Matthew's first birthday
Matthew's second birthday
Matthew's third birthday
Matthew's fourth birthday
Matthew's fifth birthday
Matthew's sixth birthday

Jennifer and Matthew made a pinata for Matthew's party.

From Jennifer (8/08/09)...Matt went to bed about 10pm last night and was up before 6am this morning. He did stuff all day long and is EXHAUSTED with tears!!!!!!
We went to Grand Slam in Coon Rapids, MN. We had unlimited laser tag (quite fun!), mini golf, and krazy kars. Afterwards, we came home a smashed the homemade piƱata and ate cupcakes. How 6 year olds can miss their mouth with frosting is beyond me.

LEGOs and Sponge Bob sheets from Auntie Julie.
A Nintendo DS and a game from Grandma Deb and Granny.
A movie of everyone singing happy birthday to Matthew.
(click on the arrow at bottom of photo)
We had lunch and ate cupcakes for dessert. Someone loves the frosting!
Mother and daughter eating the frosting that I did not eat.
I have so many favorite pictures of Matthew...but...
here are a couple of my favorite pictures of Matthew.
here are a couple of my favorite pictures of Matthew.

This picture of Meggie scooping the frosting off the top of Matthew's cake
reminds me of the picture I have of Jennifer
scooping the frosting off the top of Julie's cake.
reminds me of the picture I have of Jennifer
scooping the frosting off the top of Julie's cake.
Boy! That frosting was good!
Meggie took swimming lessons this summer. I went to the Cities on Friday for Meggie's last swimming lesson. It was really fun to watch.
Here they are bobbing their heads in and out of the water.
(Meggie is the fourth from the left.)
(Meggie is the fourth from the left.)
Matthew played his Nintendo DS while waiting
for Meggie to finish swimming.
for Meggie to finish swimming.
Meggie floating.
They had a race with three children on each mat.
(click on the arrow at bottom of photo)
(click on the arrow at bottom of photo)
Getting ready for the horse race.
They straddle the noodle between their legs
and go from one side of the pool to the other.
(Meggie is fifth from the right)
A movie of the horse race.
(click on the arrow at bottom of photo)
(click on the arrow at bottom of photo)
Meggie and her noodle.
A tired swimmer...but...
she perked up when we decided to go to the Dairy Queen!
she perked up when we decided to go to the Dairy Queen!
I "remember" when Meggie went to swimming lessons when she was three.
She loved having her face dunked under the water.
She loved having her face dunked under the water.

All smiles!

Julie and I had dinner with Chris and the children...Jennifer was working. I had a great weekend except for the traffic jams on 35W and I-694! I will be in the Cities, again, in a few weeks to take care of the children while Jennifer is in school and Julie and I are planning on going to the Fair...weather permitting.