Memories...old and new!...

Megan's Seventh Birthday Party

Saturday, November 1, 2008
(click to enlarge photos)

Megan turned seven years old on October 23, 2008! She is in first grade and is still waiting to lose a tooth. Aunt Julie, and the grandma's and grandpa's got to together this weekend to celebrate her birthday.

Waiting for everyone to arrive.
When I came she was sitting on the fire hydrant in front of her house...
waiting, waiting, waiting.

Meggie and Granny B checking out her teeth to see if any are loose...
she does have one tooth on the bottom that is loose.

Jennifer made a poster that has pictures of Megan
for each year since she was born.

Time to open the presents...not sure yet what that iTunes card is used for.

An iPod!...from Grandma Deb...just what she always wanted
and I am sure needed. Every child needs an iPod...

A little explanation as to how to use the iPod.
Dad uploaded pictures of the family and also uploaded some songs...
so, she is set to go.

Uno Attack! Fun game...we played two games...and...yes...I lost both games.


Twister! We decided she can play that game with her friends.


Megan and Julie

Matthew drew this picture of Batman. He is a very good artist for his age.

Megan, Matthew, Julie, and Jennifer

Cake time!

Well, Megan is seven! My how the seven years have flown by. I have enjoyed watching both Megan and Matthew grow. Both are great children and the next years will be just as fun to watch as the last seven. Great job Mom and Dad!

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