Memories...old and new!...

July in the Cities

July 9-11, 2008

(Double click on pictures to enlarge them.)

I went up to the Cities to spend time with my children. Jennifer has become quite the gardener. Her flowers are big and beautiful! She and Chris have landscaped all around their house with flowers and bushes. This is a picture of their front yard.

Matthew has learned to ride his bike and what a good bike rider he is!

I stayed with Julie for a few days. Julie also has flowers around her townhome...very pretty!

Megan also stayed at Julie's for a day. She held Vanessa...Vanessa is thrilled to have Megan stay.

We went to the park...
Megan played Julie's guitar...Megan proves a right-handed person can play a left-handed guitar???

We went to Olive Garden for dinner. Megan enjoyed her spaghetti and Aunt Julie enjoyed watching Megan eat her spaghetti.

We went to spend some time in North Branch at the Mall but with the nasty sky we went back to the Schneider's for the day.

I saw Darth Vader!

Chris fixed a great dinner and we played Scrabble.

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