Memories...old and new!...

Jennifer's Birthday

Sunday, April 19, 2009
(click on photo to enlarge)

Jennifer turned 35 years old on Saturday, April 18!

Happy Birthday to Jennifer!

This is a picture at Jennifer's baptism (6 weeks old) with her Grandma and Grandpa Burr.

Events on mother was outside (trying to fertilize the yard while I was mowing...what can I say) and fell on the sidewalk. When I came from the side of the house I saw her sitting on the cement. I immediately called the paramedics...I am unable to lift her up. She was alert and talking to me. What she had done was as she was turning around on the cement her toe caught the lip on the cement and down she went...her balance is not too good so it doesn't take much to flip her.

The paramedics came, checked her out and got her into a chair. Of course, she did not want to go to Emergency with the paramedics or even have me take her (those tuff ole farm girls). They checked her vitals, she appeared fine and off they went. She got up to walk and was in pain and thought she should go to the Emergency.

Once we got to Emergency and checked in she had an Xray of her pelvis and her hip. The good news is there are no breaks or fractures. The doctor assumes she hurt/twisted her groin muscle. A radiologist will read the Xrays on Monday (I am hoping he sees nothing also). So they sent her home with pain meds and told her to take it easy.

She is in a lot of pain and moving very, very slow, very gingerly AND using her walker. She needs that for balance...can't walk without it. I am now doing the cooking...God help us!...for a few days. She was awake a lot of Saturday night and up only once. I have to help her in and out of bed, etc. It is very difficult for her to get out of a chair but we manage.

Sunday we were to go to the Cities to have a birthday party for Jennifer...she insisted we go to the Cities...she has less pain if she sits or rides in a car...but...any movement causes a lot of pain for her.

Granny B will be 84 years old on Monday, April 20. We have always celebrated both birthdays together. The children made birthday cards for Granny.

Meggie's card.

Matthew's card.

Jennifer opening some of her presents.

Necklace from Silver Feather.

Hugs for Matthew.

The video isn't the greatest but you can hear the children singing happy birthday to their Mom.

Pat and Terry joined the party. Both are retired and just returned from a Washington DC trip. (Three weeks ago Terry?)

Auntie Julie came to the party.

Jennifer braided Meggie's hair. It was so darn cute!

I love Matthew's smile! He is so darn handsome with those blue eyes!

Big smile for Grandma Deb.

Julie, Granny, and Jennifer

Matthew, Granny, and Meggie.

Chris, Meggie, Jennifer, and Matthew.

Ashes and Meggie.

Meggie, Grandma Deb (32 lbs lighter!), and Matthew. My two favorite children!!!

Once again Spiderman came to the party.

Right down to the Spiderman socks.

We had a great day...enjoyed every minute! It is raining and 44 degrees.

Easter 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009
(click to enlarge photo)

We were in the Cities this weekend to celebrate Easter. We went summer clothes shopping for the children and went to early afternoon church.

The bunny made an early stop at Grandma Deb's house. He left cards with, of course, some pocket money, each a Webkinz (Matthew got a turtle and Megan got a pig) and each got a solid chocolate bunny...sugar, sugar, sugar.

Megan wrote a note to the bunny and left him some chocolate.

The bunny responded to Megan's note.

The children were up early this morning to go on their egg hunt in the back yard...I believe it was 7:15 am.

And the hunt begins...

Megan's eggs...

Matthew's eggs...

Matthew bursting with excitement and cold.

The hunt has ended.

Easter is done for another year. It was fun watching the excitement of the children. We got home in the morning and spent most of the day outside. It was sooooo nice!